Friday, October 14, 2016

GOALS -- What do I really need to work on?

Why do we feel the need to set goals?  Most of these goals tend to be temporal and often include getting a new job, getting healthier, working less, working more, or stopping a bad habit.  Are the goals we choose really what we need to be working on?  Do we include others in the process of achieving our goals?  These are all valid questions.  Often we pick goals we think we need, do them alone, and often do not have success.  We may think our goal is important, but did we ask God what our goal should be?  Does God change our passion?

When I think about goals any more, I go to prayer.  For instance, I want to live a healthier lifestyle.  However, what keeps me from healthier choices is often a deeper issue; this issue is what I need to focus my goal around.  So then I have to think about how do I determine if I am making progress in my goal.  What determines success?  A goal without specific objectives is unobtainable.

For me, my goal is to be okay with being “messy”.   It is okay to make mistakes and not have everything under control.  In fact, a person who always seems to have it all together can often be intimidating and unapproachable.  I can’t always meet the needs of my family.  I may be tired, late, cranky, and discouraged.  I can be frustrated that my schedule has been interrupted yet again.  I can get into the comparison game and we all know that trap: we either tear others down or ourselves down and neither option is healthy. I can stress about finances, work, kids, college costs, future weddings, and retirement; all a part of life.  Trying to do them perfectly – stress.  Thus, my true goal is to let go and let God be in control. This journey is ongoing, needs people in my life that I can truly be honest with, who hold me accountable to His Word, and who help me see challenges through His perspective on this journey.  Easy? No!  But struggling does not mean failure.  I must reset my perspective, forgive myself, and trust God.

The question is how I work on my goal and has many facets:

·       Find someone who helps see me where I am struggling and helps me determine my goal, walk the journey with me, and pray for me.

·       Spend regular time with the Lord and listen for His voice in everyday moments.  That means I have to take time to be still mentally and actually want to hear Him. 

·       Bible study with a small group.  Then I am both challenged and encouraged by the wisdom of others.

·       Books – I love to read.  Find a few authors who can speak wisdom into my life in my journey

·       Get more sleep.  My schedule gets a little demanding at times. Yet, when I am rested I am better able to respond vs. react to the ‘unexpected’.

As a Mentoree you get to determine ‘what is your goal’ for the year.  As you prepare to meet with your Mentor, set aside some quiet time to jot a few things down.  When you meet with your Mentor, ask for prayer and wisdom in the determining of your goal.  Let your Mentor know if your goal changes or if you are not feeling your goal is being met.  Finally, remember that to grow in this process you will need to get a little messy and let go of some control; only then can God truly help you on your journey.

A short video on our mentoring website may help you in this process.  Click here to watch about S.M.A.R.T. Goals.

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